Corporate Regulations and Policies
In mid-2002, the National Supervisory Commission of Companies and Securities (Conasev) (Comisión Nacional de Supervisora de Empresas y Valores – Conasev) together with other public and private entities and associations, issued a statement on the advisability of companies adopting corporate governance principles.
Ferreyros, aware of the importance of promoting the widespread application of these practices, had actively participated in this formulation through Procapitales. The Board of Directors recognized the importance of adhering to this declaration and from there we have focused our efforts to achieve an ever greater compliance with the principles. The high degree of compliance achieved in almost all the principles is due to a permanent improvement process adopted by the company.
In 2003 we joined a small group of companies that responded to an invitation from the Lima Stock Exchange to submit information on their level of adherence to the principles, which can be found on the Stock Exchange’s web page.
In the 2004 annual report, for the first time, a self-assessment of compliance with 26 principles was presented, indicating the basis for the rating assigned in each case. In order to achieve full compliance in all cases, certain bylaw changes were submitted for consideration at the March 2005 shareholders’ meeting regarding shareholder representation on the board to allow a broader delegation and the requirements to be a director, which would facilitate the appointment of independent directors. In addition, the Board of Directors elected at that meeting reviewed at its first meeting the composition of the existing board committees and agreed to the creation of a new committee, which resulted in the creation of the General Management, Audit and Organizational Development and Human Resources committees. The appointment of the first committee was then changed to the General Management and Corporate Governance committee to assume the functions of supervising compliance with these standards.
In accordance with the new Regulation on Material Facts and Reserved Information published through Resolution SMV No. 005-2014-SMV/01 on March 17, 2014, which came into force on July 1, 2014, Ferreycorp proceeded to modify its Internal Rules of Conduct to Safeguard Confidentiality, Transparency and Disclosure of Information to the Capital Market in order to adapt to the new SMV guidelines.